Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mexico Day 6

We got up and went to catch a bus over to Mitla to see the ruins there, and spend some time outside of Oaxaca City. The bus ride took a hour and we rapidly were out in a rural area.
We got off the bus and checked out the ruins at Mitla. The ruins at Mitla were Zapotec, like Monte Alban, and Mixtec. The ruins were ramsacked and then a colonial church was built on top of the largest temple so today, there's a church in basically the middle of the ruins complex. These ruins were more intricate than Teotihuacan or even Monte Alban.

We walked around for a while and then it was about lunch time. Across from the church was several stalls of women cooking food. We got flautas and quesadillas. Both were excellent, and Kelli still talks about the squash flower and string cheese quesadilla we had. As we were waiting for our food, a funeral procession went by.

After we ate, we did some shopping and then headed back to town. We went to Tule, to see the largest tree in MesoAmerica. The Tree was massive, and there was a church built right next to it. We marveled at the tree, had a mid-day snack of enchiladas and shaved ice and then went back to Oaxaca. At Oaxaca, we went around the Cathedral and then ate another large dinner.

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