Monday, October 22, 2007

This is the Part Where I Apologize For Jinxing the Indians

Yes, the Red Sox are going to the Series. Apparently their pitching staff is more resilient than Lazarus. And the Indian's batters are streakier than Nancy Grace's hair.

So that should teach me that making predictions on my blog is a bad idea. But, what are blogs for if not putting down bad ideas. Prediction: Rockies sweep the series (because if they go to game 7, they're sure to lose). Prediction: I'm going to eat my words in a week.

48 hours to Game 1 and the NCLEX. Game on!


Joy said...

I'm keeping my mouth shut.

matt b said...

Prediction: Rockies sweep the series (because if they go to game 7, they're sure to lose). Prediction: I'm going to eat my words in a week.

Ya ho.

Joy said...

I hate the Sox. Dan and I have been commiserating this morning about how much we hate the Sox.